Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy End of June!

Okay then. I have not posted in twenty days. I think I need a smack on the head Dx!!

So I'm just going to list what all has happened~

I actually bought some new clothes! o_o!!
I went to see Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. ITWASFREAKINGAWESOMEKTHXBAI.
I went to an awesome pizza place, Zaffiro's.
I got a Veteran Caly and another Fighter. :>
I bought a Target Card. Yes I gave in.
I was Leader of Caliburn for like, a week. Which was hell.
Begari came back and I gladly dumped the rings back on him.
Kimiaru experted her fighter Reina at long last.
Astell actually got on.
I met a weird new person, Tsui...something.
I tried Oberweis icecream. Freaking delicious~
I watched Defiance. Twas really good.
Thanks to the Telos video topic, I've found alot of awesome~ :>
I joined a Forum RP
I've stopped reading Girl Genius. (Because I've found I get less enjoyment out of it, reading it weekly, so I am going to pick it up again later)
I've been enjoying watching Conan host the Tonight Show. (I still miss Leno. >__>)

And that pretty much sums it up. I've probably forgotten some things but whatevs~ xD

June sure has been an interesting month. o.O K2 has been going through alot of hell. BUT I AM STILL UNEFFECTED BY IT. xD I mean...I don't even know what all the rest of 2.9 brings. Aside from stupid lolicon Claire. Also, now that I'm in a clan again, I really really want instanced raids. ): TO OTHER NEWS:

Some famous peoples have died. Ed McMahon, Ferrah Fawcett, Micheal Jackson and Billy Mays.
I only really knew Mays. xD Jackson always came off as a nutcase to me and I never really listened to any of his music. McMahon seemed like a cool dude. Fawcett....uhh. I dunno. XD
But Mays was awesome in my book, I loved when he came on the Tonight Show (twice, once with Leno and then O'Brien)

So methinks that's all, and it's something to sort of round off this quiet month.

Reporting from somewhere, Al. o7

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Updating for GREAT JUSTICE

An update. In June. ITS JUNE. PWAHAHAHA.

*aherm* Had to get that little bit o' crazy out. So...yeah. Tis Juuuunnnnnnnnneeeeeee :O
AND I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL. BOOYAH! \o/ Sometimes I keep thinking it's Sunday, but no, it's Monday. Or Tuesday. OR WEDNESDAY! XD And here I am listening to a damn Christmas carol while I write this? Lawl. I know nothing of the term 'seasonal music' 8D ~

Okay now I think I can write somewhat non crazily. First off, yesterday, for the first time. I did not feel useless! o_o I helped Begari hunt Golden Baaaats. Those things are ridiculous yo.
But today. I felt like a failure. Such happens when I try fighting Novia. :|
I'm claiming the Epic Failure: Orpesia Award nao. Cause I borrowed some of Mis' gear. (Elite Le Blancs, Ziz, etc. UBAR STUFF) AND I STILL DIED. Gosh...I hate that place .-. I hate Novia. But I don't know if I hate Invierno and Gavin alot too...their making me go through hell too ya know. o.o So maybe I should hate them. Onto other thiiiiiiinnnnnggggs~:
3.6 AS IN VERSION!!!!!!
Reckless Emilia looks like a Sith. lol
Real Catherine looks like a RO Assassin. 8D
Valeria...her grown up looking face does not fit her ten year-old like body. So that pictar of her is baad~
I wonder what the Elementalist's new stance is. I hope it's a kickass Dual LOE Bracelet one. For the Master rank. :> Then the Elementalist Master in the Master Room would make sense, yaknow? 8D
AND WIZARD EXPERT STANCE! I just wish it was a damager. Not another stupid debuff thing. 3:

Now to the Vocaloids. :D
I finally listened to Kokoro. Tis win. I like Rin's version better then Len's. Annnd. I guess that's it. o_o

So nothing really to tell. Just updating for the sake of updating, pretty much~